Takasa egy svájci együttes, ők képviselték az országukat a 2013-as Eurovíziós dalfesztiválon. Az eredeti nevük Helisarmee, de a műsor vezetősége miatt meg kellett változtatni a nevüket, és a ruházatukat is. Az együttes hat tagból áll: Sarah Breiter, Jonas Gygax, Katharina Hauri, Christoph Jakob, Emil Ramsauer, Michel Sterckx. Legismertebb számuk a You and Me.
You and me
Hey, hey, hey
When the times are getting rough,
Gold and silver turned to dust.
People bulid their barricades,
Out of jealousy and hate.
But there's one think they could never,
Never ever separate.
Let it hear from near and far,
This is how it's meant to be,
We're together you and me.
Nothing can tear us apart,
Sailing on a stormy sea,
We're together you and me.
Hey, hey
We bulid castles with our hands,
On a solid ground they stand.
There are shelter from the storm,
It keeps us safe and keeps us warm,
No, there's nothing that can hurt us,
Whatever there may come.
Let it hear from near and far,
This is how it's meant to be,
We're together you and me.
Nothing can tear us apart,
Sailing on a stormy sea,
We're together you and me.
Time is flowing to the sea,
But it's still you and me.
Nothing's like it used to be,
But we're here, you and me.
Let it hear from near and far,
This is how it's meant to be,
We're together you and me.
Nothing can tear us apart,
Sailing on a stormy sea,
We're together you and me.
Nothing can tear us apart,
Sailing on a stormy sea,
We're together you and me.